====== Welcome to the community wiki for Project Silverfish! ====== You may find the game on [[https://store.steampowered.com/app/2941710/Project_Silverfish/|Steam]] and [[https://siris-pendrake.itch.io/project-silverfish|Itch.io]]. You can find more informations on the following topics: * [[chargen|Character creation]]: what makes your character, and their experience in the Zone, special. * [[regions|Regions]]: the various overworld locations you can explore. * [[factions|Factions]]: know your enemy, and your friend as well. * [[npcs|NPCs]]: people of note in the Zone. * [[shops|Shops and traders]]: money and commerce make the world go round. * [[contracts|Contracts]]: the various jobs you can take. * [[dungeons|Dungeons]]: where some of the better loot can be found, if you're up to the task. * [[creatures|Creatures]]: monsters out for inheritor blood. * [[anomalies|Anomalies]]: creatures aren't the only things that can make your life in the Zone harder. * [[items|Items]]: what goes in your inventory. * [[cheats|Cheat menu]]: when you want to get that not-really-fair edge. ---- This wiki is powered by [[doku>|DokuWiki]], and is owned and administered by [[https://williamjcm.ovh|William JCM]]. To create an account, please contact me on Discord from the Siris Pendrake server (any requests coming from elsewhere will be rejected).