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Flayers look like skeletal, bipedal deers with a single glowing red eye, and sickles instead of hands.

They are fast and damaging, able to kill an unarmoured inheritor in just a few hits, but they can't take much damage themselves either, as a single well-aimed shotgun blast will take them down instantly.

Due to their lack of hands, flayers are unable to open doors, but only metallic and other strong doors will prove to be an obstacle to them.


Heshes look like skeletal humanoids with bug-like limbs and head.

Their low profile, erratic movements, and tendency to stay at a distance makes them rather hard to hit.

While they do have hands, they cannot open doors, but similarly to flayers, wooden doors won't last long against them.

They are mostly found in the Cistern and RG East dungeons, but can also be found in overworld regions like Metropol.

When they die, heshes have a chance to drop a brown mushroom, or, more rarely, a golden one.

creatures.txt ยท Last modified: 2024/11/06 13:11 by williamjcm