−Table of Contents
Character creation
Character creation is the first step you need to take before you can enter the Zone. There, you will select your class, difficulty, and starting location.
Selecting a class is an important choice, as it's what dictates your appearance, starting cash/items, debt, and attributes.
As of version 0.14.3 of the alpha demo, these are the available classes:
Class | Pronouns | Starting cash | Debt | Attributes | Starting items |
Castaway | They/them | 0$ | 3448575$ | None | Lighter, bill of debt |
Wanderer | He/him | 23$ | 3015220$ | Weird Luck | Expedition light armour, duffel bag, note from Ray |
Veteran | He/him | 350$ | 2670450$ | Steady Aim, Lingering Trauma | Rebel fatigues, bandage, MRE, 14× 5.6mm FMJ, PK-52 scout rifle, Revolutionary army: orders |
Assassin | She/her | 64$ | 5205480$ | Sneaky, Brawler, Hemophilia | Cat suit, rondel knife, black market flyer |
Artificer | She/her | 521$ | 7109275$ | Eather Affinity, collector, Hunger | Field research coat, 6× .45 ACP, snub-nose revolver |
Wretch | They/them | 0$ | 9999999$ | Intense Personality, Nudist, Thin Skin | Nothing |
Additionally, there is a random option that gives you a random name and backstory, attributes, and a duffel bag with random gear inside.
This choice is the most important, as it will determine what happens when, not if, you die.
Alongside the pre-made difficulties, there is also a “custom” choice that allows you to change any of these settings:
- Respawn type:
- Load save: when you die, you load your latest save.
- Extraction: when you die, you can pick a certain number if items you keep. You then respawn at the last bed you slept at. What happens to items you didn't pick is determined by the “Drop remaining loot” setting (see below).
- Perma-death: if enabled, when you die, your save file is wiped.
- Replenish loot: if enabled, most common loot containers will become available for looting again after some time.
- Save on level transition: if enabled, the game will auto-save on any level transition.
- Lock save slot: if disabled, you can save to any slot when sleeping in a bed.
Additionally, the extraction respawn type has these additional settings:
- Keep items on death: the items you can keep on you when you die. As of alpha version 0.14.6, this value can be set to any number between 0 and 10 inclusive.
- Fail contracts on death: if enabled, certain contracts will be considered failed when you die, with some of those even having a penalty.
- Lose item slot each death: if enabled, each time you respawn, the number of items you can keep on death is reduced by one. If it reaches 0 and you die again, your save file is wiped.
- Drop remaining loot: if enabled, items you don't keep can be found in a backpack where you died, else they're lost forever. If you die again before reaching a dropped backpack, its content are lost forever.
The following tables list the premade difficulties in the game as of alpha version 0.14.6. As all of them have the “Save on level transition” setting enabled in that version, it won't be shown as a column.
Load save
Difficulty | Perma-death | Replenish loot | Lock save slot |
Mercy | No | Yes | No |
Perma-death | Yes | No | Yes |
Difficulty | Replenish loot | Lock save slot | Keep items on death | Fail contracts on death | Lose item slot each death | Drop remaining loot |
Expedition | Yes | Yes | 5 | Yes | No | Yes |
Scavenger | No | Yes | 0 | Yes | No | Yes |
9 lives | Yes | Yes | 9 | Yes | Yes | No |
Starting location
The following starting locations are available:
- Intro: this starts you in the River Dock, the intro/tutorial dungeon. See its page for more information. This is the recommended choice for beginners
- Observatory: you start at the lower entrance to Observatory, the first safe zone in the game.
- Random: picks a somewhat safe spot in a random region from the south part of the world map.