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Welcome to the community wiki for Project Silverfish!

You may find the game on Steam and

You can find more informations on the following topics:

  • Character creation: what makes your character, and their experience in the Zone, special.
  • Regions: the various overworld locations you can explore.
  • Factions: know your enemy, and your friend as well.
  • NPCs: people of note in the Zone.
  • Shops and traders: money and commerce make the world go round.
  • Contracts: the various jobs you can take.
  • Dungeons: where some of the better loot can be found, if you're up to the task.
  • Creatures: monsters out for inheritor blood.
  • Anomalies: creatures aren't the only things that can make your life in the Zone harder.
  • Items: what goes in your inventory.
  • Cheat menu: when you want to get that not-really-fair edge.

This wiki is powered by DokuWiki, and is owned and administered by William JCM. To create an account, please contact me on Discord from the Siris Pendrake server (any requests coming from elsewhere will be rejected).

start.txt ยท Last modified: 2025/01/15 23:46 by williamjcm